Who Has Authority to Sign Documents on Behalf of a Utah LLC?

In the state of Utah, typically the only person or entity who has authority to sign agreements or other documents on behalf of an LLC is the LLC’s manager(s). Utah law indicates that “[i]n a manager-managed limited liability company . . . , any matter relating to the activities and affairs of the limited liability…

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Amending a Complaint After an Expired Statute of Limitations

If you enjoy watching legal dramas or crime shows, you’ve probably heard the phrase “statute of limitations” come up.  But what does this phrase mean? From State to State, people and businesses may sue each other for various reasons. State laws also dictate certain “deadlines” within which different types of lawsuits can be commenced. For…

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In My Utah Divorce, How will My Business be Divided?

If you are getting a divorce and you own all or a portion of a business, but your spouse does not own any portion of that business, you might wonder, Will my business be considered a marital asset, to be divided between my spouse and I, even though my spouse wasn’t involved with the business…

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Does your Business Need an Attorney?

One thing that any business owner can benefit from is the services of a good Attorney. Many business owners are either unaware of or don’t place enough importance on what an Attorney can do to help them be successful. Why Your Business Needs an Attorney: Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature and generally speaking, they are relatively good at…

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